1@333333(@F Then press ENTER . enter the desired screen number. at a specified location, To re-enter a Project ADVANCED RE-ENTRY MENUPAUL.EXE WINDOW ANSWER WINDOWS WINDOWSANSWER R-ENTRR-SCRNMENUEXITAWINDO Press F1 , then ENTER , for Answer Window Press ENTER to return to DOS. MENUPAUL A> by typing MENUPAUL at the prompt, thus: (including the music) you may bypass the initialization ceremonies NOTE: When re-entering APOSTLE PAUL TUTORIAL Unit 4 End of Screen # 16/16 and the problem faded away in the Christian Church. religious traditions simply ceased to be important, and were Gentiles. For these people the problem of Jewish second century, by which time the majority of Christians The problem of the Judaizers did not disappear until the N O T E Enter h or s . covenant of Christ (implied) present city of Jerusalem children who are slaves Mount Sinai covenant children of promise Jerusalem that is above HAGAR/SARAH. HAGAR is the symbol of the old covenant, and SARAH of the new. 3. In Galatians 4:21-31 Paul writes about two covenants.Screen # 15/16 and obedience to the Spirit of Christ. is characterized by faith in Christ whereas the new covenant is characterized by obedience to laws, The old covenant (old testament) a change in COVENANT is taking place. it is necessary to understand that through Jesus To understand Paul's opposition to the Judaizers, N O T E g. righteousness and faith j. justification and law f. justification and faith i. faith and law e. justification and righteousness h. righteousness and law 2. Which two items are contrasted in these passages? Compare Galatians 2:16, 3:11, and 3:25.Screen # 14/16 Galatians 5:12 the Judaizers. Galatians 4:17 d. The Galatians are foolish to listen to thereby confusing new Christians. c. The Judaizers are perverting the gospel, Galatians 3:1 but emasculate, themselves! b. The Judaizers should not just circumcise, they are alienating you from us. Galatians 1:7 a. The Judaizers are up to no good; MATCH the references and the summaries. 1. Here are some passages in which Paul discusses Judaizers.Screen # 13/16 Derbe. wrote his letter are those of Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, and Galatia. Accordingly, the Galatian churches to which Paul work would be the southern part of this Roman district of The area in which Barnabas and Paul did their evangelistic heart of modern Turkey. more territory to it. Currently, of course, it is in the Romans took over, made Galatia a Roman province, and added invaded this territory and established a kingdom. Later the name for France. Hundreds of years earlier, people from Gaul The name 'Galatia' derives from 'Gaul,' which is the ancient P E R S P E C T I V E Screen # 12/16 j. No special interest more than other churches. i. They are in his home town. h. He helped to plant them. 3. What special interest does Paul have in these churches? g. Ephesus, Laodicea, Hierapolis, Colosse f. Antioch (Pisidia), Iconium, Lystra, Derbe e. Jerusalem, Antioch (Syria), Salamis, Paphos 2. Which churches are included in this group of Galatian churches? a. Greece b. Iraq c. Turkey d. Israel In what modern country is the territory of Galatia located? 1. Consult a map of Paul's First Missionary Journey. The Churches of Galatia Screen # 11/16 the issue of the Judaizers can now be better understood. We introduce it AFTER because PRIOR to the Jerusalem Conference. It is likely that Paul wrote the letter to the Galatians N O T E : Screen # 10/16 obedience to the traditional laws of Moses. because of his insistence that faith in Jesus does not require with this problem. Paul's reputation suffered significantly Paul's first extant letter, To The Galatians, deals precisely same mentality as that of the ancient Judaizers. Legalism in modern churches represents a continuation of the Holy Spirit rather than that of the Law. Jerusalem Conference clearly opted for the guidance of the Though not entirely avoiding the appearance of legalism, the to be Christians in good standing? required to obey traditional Jewish religious customs in order Jewish religious ceremonies. Shall new non-Jewish converts be the entire first century: What to do about the traditional most significant problem faced by the Christian Church during The issue raised at this Jerusalem Conference represents the P E R S P E C T I V E Screen # 9/16 the Judaizers, was not required. p. Encouraged; because circumcision, the central issue of simple faith in Christ. made a list of rules to be observed, thus disparaging o. Discouraged; because the Jerusalem Conference still of the Jerusalem Conference, or discouraged by it? 4. Do you suppose Barnabas and Paul were encouraged by the decision m. relaxing n. enforcing relaxing the Jewish religious requirements or of enforcing them? 3. All in all, did the Jerusalem Conference come down on the side ofScreen # 8/16 l. Abstain from sexual immorality. k. Eat pork chops occasionally. j. Don't eat meat of strangled animals. i. Eat only meat of domesticated animals. h. Use only kosher food. g. Avoid food sacrificed to idols. f. Practice circumcision. e. Don't eat blood. 2. Which instructions are given to the newly converted Gentile Christians? d. The church in Jerusalem c. Christian Gentiles in Syria and Cilicia b. Paul, Barnabas, Judas, and Silas a. The Judaizers in Antioch 1. To whom is the letter addressed?Reference: Acts 15:22-35 The Letter Screen # 7/16 f. Let us instruct them to practice circumcision. e. Let us instruct them to abstain from certain activities. d. Don't make it difficult for Gentiles to turn to God. c. Don't make it too easy for Gentiles to turn to God. b. Accepting Gentiles may be done if they keep the laws. a. Accepting Gentiles is in agreement with the scriptures. 1. Which of the following are items in James' argument?Reference: Acts 15:12-21 James' Argument Screen # 6/16 Enter letters. j. Do not make Gentiles do what we cannot. i. Do not make it easy for Gentiles to be God's people. h. God has cancelled the distinction between us and them. g. We must maintain the separation of races as God commands. f. The Holy Spirit is poured out on Gentiles when they believe. e. Gentiles were not present when the Holy Spirit was given. d. Gentiles must demonstrate faith by obeying the law of God. c. God has demonstrated that he has accepted Gentiles. b. Gentiles have believed the gospel I preached to them. a. I have steadfastly refused to speak to the Gentiles. Select one from each pair. 1. Which of the following are points which Peter makes in this speech?Reference: Acts 15:6-11 Peter's Argument Screen # 5/16 4. Were the Judaizers Christians (see Acts 15:5)? Enter y or n . disciples must do so also. m. Jesus kept all these religious practices, therefore his circumcision. l. Covenant people must keep the covenant sign, which is our Jewishness. k. Becoming a Christian does not require that we abandon continue to obey the old laws. j. God's requirements do not change, therefore we must YES/NO. might you use? 3. Pretend you are a Judaizer. Which of the following argumentsScreen # 4/16 f. Synagogue attendance i. Passover e. Rosh Hashana h. The Torah d. Kosher food g. Circumcision of the Judaizer's argument? 2. Which specific Jewish religious custom was the major focus Enter a letter. abandon most of their Jewish religious customs. c. They wanted Jewish persons to believe in Jesus and to and to keep on practicing the ancient Jewish customs. b. They wanted all believers both to believe in Jesus a. They wanted Jewish persons to reject Jesus outright. 1. Which of the following alternatives did the Judaizers advocate?NOTE: these men are known as Judaizers.Reference: Acts 15:1-5 The Men Who Came Down From Jerusalem To Antioch Screen # 3/16 Press F5 then ENTER for advanced re-entry. Press F4 then ENTER to restart screen. Press F3 then ENTER to display MENU. Press F2 then ENTER to return to DOS. Press F1 then ENTER for ANSWER WINDOW. FUNCTION KEYS Further instructions will then appear on line 23. questions. After each answer please press the ENTER key. Clear and concise instructions are provided on-screen for allINSTRUCTIONSScreen # 2/16 Press ENTER to continue. T H E J E R U S A L E M C O N F E R E N C E Unit 4 A P O S T L E P A U L T U T O R I A LScreen # 1/16